Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Zoobie Doobie Doo Doo???

I turned big 35 yesterday and felt so very much loved and remembered by all my family and friends..BLISS..in simple words..this is how i felt and am still feeling it now ;-)

Monday, 31 May 2010

What to send via email to that psycho guy whom you no longer want to call BF...

Afdlin said all the right words and had me roaring with laughters..PERFECT for that someone whom broke your heart and wont own up to it!! LOL.. no no am not bitter not even a pinch of regrets..just to arm those young girls out there with the right kind of reply in situations like these :-)..

and a big Happy Birthday to that Tenuk :-).. Have a good one!! HUGS!!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Simple, spontaneous and cool

via http://www.musingwithmarinamahathir.blogspot.com/

Wednesday May 12, 2010

Simple, spontaneous and cool



Using social media to bring people together in solidarity, more than 500 Malaysians, mostly young, of all shapes, sizes and creeds, got together to simply … well, dance.

THERE is a word that young people these days often use to describe something that they disapprove of. If they say something is “fail”, it means it has earned their thumbs down.

It would not be inaccurate to say that in almost anything to do with adults in Malaysia today, young people under 30 would use the word “fail”.

Whether it is politics, law enforcement, government or religious authorities, the young would simply point their thumbs downwards. None of it appeals to them, none of it is cool. They are tired of constantly being told they are troublemakers and don’t know what’s good for them.

Yet, I have seen young Malaysians time and time again defy every stereotype that their elders put on them. Where our so-called leaders have looked as if they belonged to the 6th Century, young people are doing innovative and creative projects that show they are firmly in the 21st.

When politicians have shown that they only know how to divide people, young people have shown that they can stand solidly together.

Last year, when our leadership failed repeatedly to unite people regardless of race and religion, young people got together in a show of solidarity in the Tali Tenang project.

Using social media to bring people together in solidarity, they met in real life to show that they were for peace and unity, without the need for any political rhetoric. About 200 of them came together and, amazingly, there were no riots or any form of unruliness. Nose-thumb to their elders again!

Last weekend, they did it again. Connecting via Facebook and Twitter, more than 500 Malaysians, mostly young, of all shapes, sizes and creeds, got together to simply … dance.

Fans of a currently popular TV series, they got together on several evenings to rehearse; and on the appointed day showed up, followed instructions and did their thing in a joyous spontaneous atmosphere.

Just watching the participants rehearse already gave one goosebumps. Each night some 200 people, who mostly did not know one another, gathered together in one spot to do one thing together, dance.

They submitted themselves to great discipline and effort, enjoying the sweaty camaraderie. You looked around and can’t help but think: this is every politician’s dream; but there is no way they can do this, for the simple reason that they can never be cool enough.

The whole event was organised by young people themselves; they volunteered to teach the steps, take photos or videos or spread the word. While there was some sponsorship, it was not a hugely commercial event with no greater objective than to do something fun together.

I’m sure there will be detractors who will tut-tut about how this is not our culture and such. They can go ahead and organise a culturally-appropriate flashmob if they want. But it takes a certain generous frame of mind – one that essentially believes in the good in people – to truly organise such a community event.

The flashmob also underscores the power of social media, something so underestimated by our leaders. The entire organisation of this event was done online. All it needed was a good idea and some key people to promote it on their Facebook pages and on Twitter – and that was it.

Before long, more than 1,300 people had signed up. Although ultimately not as many people actually showed up for the event, it was still a success because it was likely the biggest flashmob ever held in the world.

The entire event held so many lessons that the powers-that-be could learn from. Firstly, to appeal to young people you need to tap into whatever is current and trendy, and not try and invent something new.

Secondly, young people can come up with better ideas than most adults, and know exactly how to organise it themselves.

Thirdly, young people are quite capable of enormous discipline and effort if they like, and want to do, something.

Fourthly, there is absolutely no need for any VIPs to officiate at these events. In fact, the absence of any ups the cool quotient of the event.

Fifthly, when young people get together like this, they do not automatically destroy. Rather they build friendships, community and peace, regardless of race, religion or creed.

Where else can you see girls in tudung boogieing next to girls in shorts, and boys, and then grinning at each other with joy at having successfully done a perfect routine?

There is no greater feeling than from having participated in something with a whole bunch of strangers that is creative, organic and fun. No need for special T-shirts, expensive equipment or long official speeches. Simplicity and spontaneity is in. Pity our leaders can’t understand that

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

In Loving Memory..

I came across few old pictures of my cheeky yet bossy pup, Bandit.. a red & white British Bulldog. I was the other 'parent' ( more like a godmother!!). We lost Bandit in 2006, choked himself while running crazily around a tree with a leash tied on.. I miss that crazy mutt..

R.I.P Tumble Toinks!! I wish I could have done more for you.. :-).

Sunday, 21 March 2010

I am a master builder? Oh ya?? Let's build..

This is from Paul Sadowski's page.

You entered: Linda

There are 5 letters in your name.
Those 5 letters total to 22
There are 2 vowels and 3 consonants in your name.

What your first name means:Spanish Female Pretty.
Latin Female Beautiful.
German Female Snake. Lime tree; linden tree. Can also be a diminutive of any name ending in -linda.
English Female Lime tree; linden tree.

Your number is: 22
The characteristics of #22 are: The Master Builder, large endeavors, powerful force, a leader.
The expression or destiny for #22:

Your Expression is represented by the master number, 22. The key word for the number 22 is that of master builder. This is a very hard number to fully live up to because it is capable of such great accomplishment. You no doubt will be extremely capable at whatever work you choose to do in life. You are especially equipped to handle large scale undertakings in the material world. Thus, the reference to master builder. The 22 possesses unique qualities and often very unorthodox approaches to problem solving. You are apt to be a very strong leader, and one who is not afraid to lead in new directions. Your perceptions are well beyond the norm.
When the 22 Expression operates within you in a positive vein, you are endowed with the most practical approach, but this practical or material sense is tempered with an awareness of non-material forces. You are very much the idealist, which the material skills to build and develop for the good of mankind. In a positive 22, the inner strength is clearly visible, and if developed, this strength will possess the charisma to attract a following.
If expressed in a negative manner, the 22 may accentuate unorthodox methods to the point of eccentricity. This negative expression can also be very dominating and overbearing.

Your Soul Urge number is: 1

A Soul Urge number of 1 means:
Your Soul Urge is the number 1. With a Soul Urge number of 1, you want to lead and direct, to work independent of supervision, by yourself or with subordinates. You take pride in your abilities and want to be recognized for them. You may seek opportunities to display your strength and usefulness, wanting to create and originate. In your desire to manage the big picture and the main issues, you may often leave the details to others.
The positive 1 Soul Urge is Ambitious and determined, a leader seeking opportunities. There is a great deal of honesty and loyalty in this character. If you possess positive 1 Soul Urge qualities, you are very attainment oriented and driven to success. You are a loyal friend and strictly fair in your business dealings.
The negative side of the 1 Soul Urge must be avoided. A negative 1 is apt to dominate situations and people; the home, the spouse, the family and the business. Emotions aren't strong in this nature. If you possess an excess of 1 energy, you may, at times, be boastful and egotistic. You must avoid being too critical and impatient of trifles. The great need of the 1 Soul Urge is the development of friendliness, and a sincere interest in people.

Your Inner Dream number is: 3

An Inner Dream number of 3 means:
You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music. You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Poligami lagi???

This is from my cousin Hur's Blog..titled :

madah dan pujangga bersama mu. :)

I fell off my chair reading this..HUR - you are now my COURT JESTER! Jangan kamu jadi doktor lawak sudah..mau semua pesakit nanti pecah perut gelak.. (Hur is currently in 2nd Year Medicine in Alexandria, Egypt). Enjoy folks!


Dialog tidak ada kena mengena dengan yang hidup ataupun mati. Hanya lakonan semata-mata.

T: jika kau menistakan kata2 mu

T: akan ku belah lautan berapi

T: ku robek hati yang lara

T: agar langit kembali tersenyum

H:sungguh manis kata-kata mu itu kanda

H: mampu buat dinda tersenyum buat masa yang lama

H: tapi apakan daya

H: kata2 kanda itu hanya buat sementara

T: sudah la

T: usah tersenyum tanpa brey zes mu

T: kanda x sudi melihat

T: tanpa besi2 dan geriji di gigi

T: manakan nampak silau cintamu itu

T: kanda lebih suka menatap wajah dinda jika masih bergeriji seperti dulu

T: kilauan lebih menyerlah

T: dan lebih yakin kanda kanda pada kasih dinda

H: apakah kanda tidak dapat menerima dinda seadanya?

H: hancur hati dinda mendengar madah2 mu ini kanda

H: seakan-akan kasih kanda pada dinda selama ini dusta belaka

H: masakan itukah kanda mencari dinda yang lain?

H: meninggalkan dinda keseorangan

H: semata-mata kerana dinda sudah tidak ber breyzes lagi

T: maaafkan kanda

T: kasih kanda hanyalah pada besi2 di gigi dinda

T: setelah di cabot

T: kanda tawar hati

H: sudahlah kanda

H: jika hanya sedalam itulah kasih kanda pada dinda

H: sampai sini sahajalah hubungan kita

H: cinta dinda pada kanda tidak disandarkan di atas apa2

H: hanya sebuah kasih yang cuti

H: malangnya tidak terbalas oleh kanda

T: cuti?

T: cuti?

H: *suci

H: silap2

H: hahaha

T: maafkan kanda

T: kanda x setia

T: setelah kanda mmpunyai isteri2 yang makin ramai

T: kanda keliru

H: takpe

H: dinda paham

H: dinda ingat kanda lain dari kekanda-kekanda yang lain di luar sana

H: rupanya kanda pun hanya manusia biasa

T: erk

T: kanda2 lain

T: ??

T: kau nusyuz!

H: owh

H: dinda ckap pasal kanda lain, kanda marah

H: owh, kanda curang takpe

H: dinda curang tak boleh

H: kekanda-kekanda tu mamat2 di luar sana

H: dinda membuat perbandingan kanda dengan mereka

H: rupa-rupanya kalian bergelar lelaki semua sama sahaja

T: kanda diharuskan berpoligami

T: kerana ingin mmbela nasib wanita2 malang diluar sana

H: sudahlah kanda

H: itu hanya alasan kanda

H: kalau niat kanda memang sebegitu ikhlasnya

H: dinda redhakan sahaja

H: dinda hanya mampu mendoakan kanda dari sini

H: dinda tidak sanggup bermadu kasih kanda

H: dinda tidak sanggup

T: erm

T: kini dinda pandai berkata2 ye

T: makin ku ragui kesetiaan dinda

T: tp

T: x pe lah...

H: haha.

H: jangan khuatir kanda

H: dinda setia menunggu kanda

H: tapi jikalau kanda mempermainkan perasaan dinda

H: ataupun dinda-dinda yang lain

H: nantikan lah keris taming sari dari kami

H: dinda hanya harap kanda berlaku adil sahaja terhadap kami (dinda-dinda sekalian)

T: baiklah.....

T: hhmm

T: nasihat kan dinda areqa untuk menghafal skrip

T: esok sudah masa nya

H: baiklah

H: perbualan kita hari ini rahsia

H: takut dinda yang lain attack dinda nanti

H: mati dinda kena belasah

T: baiklah

T: kanda bersumaph

T: *sumpah

T: jikalau dinda sendiri yang mmbocorkan rahsia ini

T: kekanda akan menyusul adinda

T: meminjak pada tanah yang sama

T: bernafas pada udara yang sama

H: dinda akan ingat kata-kata mu kanda

H: walaupun satu hari kita akhirnya akan berpisah jua

H: namun kenangan bersama takkan dilupa

H: ngee

perbualan terpaksa dihentikan kerana kanda kena menyiapkan juadah berbuka puasa. :-P
* funny no?  LOL those who wants more quirky tales..Hur's friend has the continuation of the above *

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

What's her name? S.E.Q.U.I.O.A

That is spelt with a capital S ya. Who is she? Taaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa behold the infamous S

-full view-

                                                                   -beautiful markings-
This baby has been on my mind since the first day I saw her..Please please please S.I.A.M..Can i keep her..hehehehehe

Tuti & Baiza, hold your grin, Master Ji have not yet spoken!!!!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Super Sneeee-zzyyy 'Achooooooooooo' Tuesday

It seems that almost everybody in the house, mum, dad, brother, SIL n niece are down with the flu-bug. Achooooooooooooooo.. The virus's back in the air people. Take lots of Vit-C. That means lots of Kiwis, Strawberries, and lemonsssssssss.. plenty of H2Os too. Stay hydrated all the time.

The heat in KL these days are not helping either. The extreme heat and flu? They dont go hand in hand..not to mention the sunburn and possibility of cancer on the skin. So Slip, Slap, Slop on the sunblock but better still stay indoor. I am definitely hibernating until all these nasty germs decided to move to the Artic (or New Zealand hahaha no idea why! no offence New Zealanders).

8 Things to do when u down with the FLU :-

1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - Sleep
2. Blow bubbles out of your nose - IF you have a runny nose, trust me, it'll entertain your 11mths y o niece for hours ..LOL (I have no idea why kids enjoy gross-ness!!)
3. Try and sing Baa Baa Black Sheep and see if your Baa Baa sheep sound vibrates with a slight nasal tone. This will also entertain your 11 mths y o niece for a long time.
4. Keep sipping that Lemon Tea with honey and imagine u hosting a Mad Tea Party with Johnny Depp!
5. Watch re-runs of FRIENDS - (Yes I'm a big fan of FRIENDS and I don't care if you think thats LAME)
6. Watch SEX & THE CITY the movie and drools over JSP's shoes, bags, clothes..WALK-IN-WARDROBE..then email all the images to your BF for hints on birthday GIFTS he should get you for your birthday hehehehe hehehehehe
7. Call your BFFs and whineeee (If they are your true BFFs, they will tell you to get a grip and grow up..its ONLY a cold! Some BFFs you guys are!!! LOL, this is the reason that they are your BFF, they keep you on ground level)
8. Be nice to your mum and hopes that she will rub that VICKS on your back..

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Sock it UP!!!!

I dedicate this to u Psycho..whom are low enough to subject a child to such mental pain! Allez la pourriture dans l'enfer. Et souvenez-vous, ce qui se promène reprend connaissance.. Attendez juste votre tour .. sickoooooo

Friday, 5 February 2010

A Slug.....slurpppppppp

I have not been updating the blog at all. Reason?

1. Too many things happening at once, hence too many places for me to be at almost the same time - there's only one me..have mercyyyyy
2. I'm juggling two homes - yup sounds like a superwoman but in actual truth i'm officially bashed!
3. Global extreme Warming
4. Need a new mattress - preferably Orthopaedic Sealy hehehe so my back wont get sore easily thus I can achieve more in a day
5. Err Bandung should be nearer to KL as in within few meters away from my house (whichever one of them)
6. MAS or SIA, preferably SIA should give out free seat (to people born on the 14th June at 8pm) on their Business Class to promote love and gratitude
7. I'm totally bias - according to S.I.A.M (u know ur initial when u see one mister!!)
8. I am only creative after February of every year and starts to hibernate from December onwards LOL.

Enough reasons. Why I stopped at 8? Because... 8 is my lucky number..it is also my Kua No.. hahaha yes Chinese New Year is coming soon. I'm looking forward to all the Yee-Sang-s that I can have ..